Sekhmet Pharoahs Exhibition NGV

Statue of Sekhmet from the NGV Exhibition “Pharoahs”

The Second Double Capricorn Full Moon will be on July 21 2024 .

A few days ago on July 15 Mars in Taurus perfected his conjunction with Uranus the God of Chaos, the pair forming a tight square to Eros God of Life force and Desire! Venus rules the sign of Taurus, so issues involving relationships, finances and values were likely to have been highlighted. Your emotions have probably been somewhat turbulent over the last few days with unexpected meetings, events and passions running through your system! Not a good time to make important life changes or decisions.

Emotions will be heightened by the Second Full Moon in Capricorn for 2024 on July 21 at 8.17 pm (AEST), positioned at 29 degrees and 08 minutes, the 30th degree of Capricorn, with the Sun opposite in Cancer.

This then is a True “Blue Moon”, as we have had the opportunity to ground this energy twice, and to discover more of what it has kept hidden in the true fashion of Full Moons!

The Sabian Symbol for the 30th and final degree of Capricorn, for the Moon, is described as “A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs”, the power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power, executive power!

The symbol for the Sun in the 30th and final degree of Cancer, will have the Sabian symbol of “A daughter of the American Revolution”, the prestige and conservatism of a long-maintained heritage”, or glorification of the past. Possibly more light will be thrown on issues involving world affairs, the wars, alliances and the progress towards the US election in November.

The Full Moon will form the resolution axis of a kite with an OOS trine to Mars (who will have entered Gemini earlier in the day) and Sedna (Goddess of Bad Choices and imbalance in masculine-feminine issues) on one side of a Grand Trine with powerful feminine asteroid Sekhmet, the Egyptian Neter used by Sun God Ra to bring retribution to the Earth when needed. Sekhmet is also associated in balancing feminine anger as she was also the mother of the Egyptian God of Healing Nefertem. Neptune Retrograde in the last degree of Pisces will be forming the resolution axis of a second Kite through his opposition to Sekhmet. The Moon and Mars/Sedna will form the other arms of the Grand Trine in this case. The MC of the chart would actually form a rare Grand Sexile, with Neptune, Sedna and Sekhmet, all almost exactly conjunct the 2nd House, IC and 8th House cusps in Melbourne!

Second Double Capricorn Full MoonWhilst there will be many difficult energies that will need to be balanced, it would seem that there will also be opportunities to work towards satisfactory solutions, through the two focal points of Neptune retrograde and the Cancer Sun, both of which are in anaretic 29th degrees of their signs! Emotional energy from the Moon and Mars channeled through Neptune at an unconscious retrograde level could come up with some very innovative answers.

Sehkmet’s powerful feminine energy could help balance Sedna’s lack of feminine guidance in her decision making, to aid the Sun in finding a positive balance. Sol will ingress into the sign of the Lion, (symbolized in Sekhmet’s leonine head), the following day, July 22 at 5.46 pm, with the two benefics Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini, in a productive sextile aspect to each other, to complete the benefits.

This Second Capricorn Full Moon will not be a so called “Super” Moon, which occurs when the Moon is at her perigee, the part of her orbit that skims closest to the Earth, making her appear very large and bright. However, it will herald the way for four consecutive “Super” Full Moons occurring during the next four months, from August to November 2024!