Both last month’s Lunar Eclipse and the Libra New Moon on October 3, are part of Saros Series 8 South. This Eclipse Series started on the South Pole on April 1 1718 with Saturn aspecting the New Moon/Mars midpoint. Bernadette Brady tells us “This Series brings separation and loss with something finishing, or by being parted from something that makes you sad at the completion. It will also be possible to over-strain yourself resulting in physical injury, so not a good time to undertake strenuous physical activities!” The Shadow path for the Solar Eclipse will just be visible through the tip of South America as  shown on the map below from Time and Date. It will not be visible in Australia but that will not prevent us feeling its effects.

The Annular Solar Eclipse on October 3 will take place at 4.48 am, at 10 degrees and 03 minutes of Libra, so will be positioned in the 11th degree of the sign. The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon is “A professor peering over his glasses at his students”, indicating problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup, or instruction.

It can been seen from the chart below that the luminaries will be closely conjunct True Black Moon Lilith, the asteroids Astraea and Mnemosyne and Mercury with a wider conjunction to Juno. They will also be separating from the South Node and asteroid Asteria, so a total of 9 points within a 12 degree orb in Libra!

There will be a lot of diplomacy involved in this eclipse which often means nobody will truly believe they really obtained a good result. There will also be a strong Cardinal Fixed square in operation, as Mars in Cancer will square Sol and Luna in close company with asteroid Dionysus will square both the lunation and the Nodal Axis. Ceres closely attended by asteroid Isis will oppose Mars and square the others.

The North Node will be conjunct asteroids Aphrodite and Pythia with minor planet Salacia in Aries. There would appear to be much aggrieved and militant feminine energy. Asteroid Hephaestus, the Smith God will form an easy opposition (trine and sextile) to the two stelliums. What kind of assistance will they be seeking from him in building a bridge to overcome the impasses that will be present?

Mnemosyne and Astraea suggest memories of dissatisfaction with the way things were dealt with in the past. Asteroid Juno widely square Mars in Cancer suggests blood-ties or inheritances could be at the root of conflict. Ceres and Isis close to the emotional center from the IC bode for grief and disappointment to follow.

With the Sun and Moon in the sign of Libra, the energy focus is generally around:

  • Seeking and maintaining balance and a peaceful environment
  • Relating more deeply and harmoniously with those you love in all areas of life
  • Surrounding yourself with beautiful things
  • Remaining upbeat about perceived threats to your relationships, developing more self-belief and inner security
  • Assessing expectations, especially within relationships, ensuring that they are reasonable and achievable, where possible remaining open to what happens in the moment
  • Stimulating your intellect through discussion or study of alternative views
  • Making decisions about situations you have been procrastinating over


The area most aligned with the position of the New Moon can be best gleaned from your natal horoscope chart, however if you only know your Sun Sign, then affirmations around the areas indicated below are likely to be the most powerful, some adjustment may be required to the life areas described: